Physiotherapy And Scoliosis

Physiotherapy And Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a medical condition characterised by a lateral curvature of the spine. A spine may consist of multiple curves that resembles the letter ‘S’ or a single curve that resembles the letter ‘C’.

Types and Causes of Scoliosis:

  1. Structural scoliosis (due to the musculoskeletal system development – genetic)
  2. Functional scoliosis (due to muscle imbalances, inflammation of the tissues and

leg length discrepancies as a result of injury or repetitive asymmetrical activities)

  1. Pathology-relate scoliosis (due to neuromuscular disease) 


–      Bending/listing to one side

–      Shoulder blade on one side more prominent than the other

–      Uneven shoulders and hips

–      Pain around the imbalanced areas 


Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your condition based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history. Your physiotherapist will examine your spine, shoulders, hips, pelvis etc. for asymmetry and abnormalities. Further investigations such as an X-ray to confirm the cobb angle may be required to determine the severity of your Scoliosis. 


Physiotherapy is effective in the treatment and management of Scoliosis. Scoliosis can be managed conservatively and improved through the use of a wide range of physiotherapy techniques and modalities to:

  • address and correct any muscle imbalances
  • address and correct other contributing factors
  • restore the overall function
  • prevent recurrences

Book a consultation online

Speak with the expert team at Edgewater Physiotherapy if you would like some professional assistance to manage your Scoliosis. We get fantastic results for patients each and every time. Contact us to find out more about how we can help.