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Physiotherapy Exercises for Knee Osteoarthritis - Knee osteoarthritis is a condition where the cartilage (the cushion between the joints which functions as a shock-absorber) wears away, resulting in the joints rubbing… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and ADVANCED Postoperative Total Knee Replacement Exercises - Once you have regained your independence for short distances, you will then progress to more advanced exercises to facilitate your full recovery (which may take… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and EARLY Postoperative Total Knee Replacement Exercises - The early postoperative total knee replacement exercises helps: To facilitate blood circulation to the legs and feet in order to prevent blood clots  To strengthen… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and Iliotibial Band Syndrome Exercises - Iliotibial Band Syndrome is a common knee condition where pain is present on the outer part of the knee, caused by the iliotibial band (long… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and Rotator Cuff Exercises - The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround and stabilize the shoulder joint, to keep the head of the humerus… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and Rotator Cuff Injuries - The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround and stabilize the shoulder joint, to keep the head of the humerus… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and Shoulder Bursitis - Shoulder Bursitis is a condition where the bursa is inflamed. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that functions to reduce friction between tendon-tendon and tendon-… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy Exercises for Biceps Tendinopathy - Biceps Tendinopathy (an umbrella term for Biceps tendonitis, biceps tendinosis), is an irritation or inflammation of the biceps tendon (long head) which connects the biceps… Continue Reading
Physiotherapy and Biceps Tendinopathy - Biceps Tendinopathy (an umbrella term for Biceps tendonitis, biceps tendinosis), is an irritation or inflammation of the biceps tendon (long head) which connects the biceps… Continue Reading
We need get that checked out asap honey Physiotherapy and Neck Exercises - Neck pain is common in our modern age and can interfere with your daily living. Common causes include poor posture, extended computer usage, and a… Continue Reading