Physiotherapy and Rotator Cuff Exercises

Physiotherapy and Rotator Cuff Exercises

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround and stabilize the shoulder joint, to keep the head of the humerus (upper arm) within the shallow socket of the shoulder. Rotator cuff injuries range from mild to severe and falls under the following categories:

  1. Tendinitis is an injury caused by rotator cuff overuse which causes it to become inflamed.
  2. Bursitis is caused by inflammation of the bursa
  3. Rotator cuff strains or tears are caused by overuse or an acute injury, where the tendons that connect the bones to the muscles are overstretched (strain) or tear partially or completely. 

Physiotherapy exercises 


Step 1: Stand upright in an open doorway 

Step 2: Place your arms on either side (on the outside of the door frame) 

Step 3: Gently lean forward through the doorway (and maintain a straight back) until you feel a stretch on either side of your chest/ front of the shoulder (within the limits of pain) 

Step 4: Hold 30 seconds to 1 minute


Step 1: Place a mat on the floor, and place a pillow on the mat for your head to rest on 

Step 2: Lie on the mat (on your unaffected side) with your knees bent for stability and comfort 

Step 3: Bend your affected elbow to 90 degrees with the palm of your hand facing towards your body, and place your unaffected arm on the floor 

Step 4: Maintain your affected elbow tucked against your body and slowly raise your forearm with a dumbbell of your chosen weight (0.5kg, 1 kg, 2kg, 3kg, 5kg, 10kg) until your forearm is parallel to the floor 

Step 5: Hold for 3 seconds before you slowly return your forearm back to its starting position

Step 6: Repeat 12 times (progress weights if too easy)


Step 1: Attach a TheraBand to a Door Knob securely at or above your shoulder height. 

Step 2: Get down on one knee, and ensure your raised knee is opposite your injured arm. Rest your arm on the raised knee. 

Step 3: Ensure the other knee that is lowered and your body is aligned, and that you are upright with your back straight 

Step 4: Hold onto the TheraBand with your affected arm. Pull the Theraband by bringing your elbows back towards your body in order to squeeze your shoulder blades  together and down (as you pull). 

Step 5: Repeat 10 times. 


Step 1: Hold a dumbbell of your chosen weight (0.5kg, 1 kg, 2kg, 3kg, 5kg, 10kg) in each of your hand 

Step 2: Stand with your feet slightly apart and knees slightly bent. 

Step 3: Maintain an upright position in standing, and slightly bend forward at the waist 

Step 4: Squeeze your shoulder blades together by slowly extending your arms outwards and Up towards just below your shoulder height and hold 3 seconds 

Step 5: Slowly return your arms back to the starting position

Step 6: Repeat 10 times 


Step 1: Stand with your feet slightly apart 

Step 2: Place one end of the TheraBand under the foot opposite your affected arm. 

Step 3: Hold onto the other end of the TheraBand with your affected arm, so the TheraBand  moves diagonally across your body 

Step 4: Place your unaffected hand on your hip and bend forward slightly at the waist without  locking your knees 

Step 5: Just like starting a lawnmower in slow motion, straighten upright while pulling your elbow across the body to your outside ribs.

Step 6: Ensure your shoulders are relaxed throughout the exercise and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull to stand in an upright position. 

Step 7: Repeat 10 times 

Book a consultation online

Book a consultation with Edgewater Physiotherapy if you need treatment for your shoulder injuries or other similar conditions. Our fully qualified team is here to help and always achieve amazing outcomes for customers. Contact us today to find out more.