Physiotherapy and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Physiotherapy and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is a painful hand disorder caused by the compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpel tunnel of the wrist. The carpel tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist that protects the vital structures including the tendons, blood vessels and median nerve.


  • Swelling of the wrist where the pressure inside the carpal tunnel becomes too high, secondary to arthritis, pregnancy, repetitive hand movements, traumatic injury
  • Enlargement of the contents (median nerve, tendons, blood vessels) inside the carpal tunnel 

Risk Factors

  • Age: 36 to 60 years old
  • Sex: more common in women
  • Certain medications
  • Obesity
  • Changes in Body Fluids eg. during pregnancy and menopause
  • Medical conditions eg. thyroid disorders, menopause, kidney failure and lymphedema
  • Occupation and Workplace factors eg. using vibrating tools that requires repetitive, prolong and flexing of the wrist
  • Nerve conditions eg. Diabetes (increases the risk of nerve damage) 


  • Pins and needles in the median nerve distribution of the affected hand
  • Nocturnal pain and numbness
  • Burning pain
  • Cramping and/ or weakness
  • Perceived swelling
  • Hand pain and/ or aching
  • Muscle atrophy of the thenar (thumb) muscles
  • Loss of hand function
  • Clumsiness
  • Aggravation of symptoms include: use of steering wheel, use of phone


Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your carpel tunnel syndrome based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history.


Physiotherapy should be considered as the first line of treatment. A range of physiotherapy techniques will be used tailored to meet each individual need. These include: carpel bone mobilisations, nerve and tendon gliding exercises, soft tissue massage, rest and education, night wrist splint, wrist and hand stretches and strengthening exercises, and postural retraining.

Contact us today

Get in touch with Edgewater Physiotherapy on (03) 9510 8866 or 0431083985 or book a consultation here online. With the help of our friendly and professional physiotherapists, you’ll have the support you need to feel your best through this challenging but exciting time in your life.