Physiotherapy and Biceps Tendinopathy

Physiotherapy and Biceps Tendinopathy

Biceps Tendinopathy (an umbrella term for Biceps tendonitis, biceps tendinosis), is an irritation or inflammation of the biceps tendon (long head) which connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder bone.


  • Normal wear and tear over time
  • Repetitive shoulder movements

Risk Factors:

  • Age: 30 +
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Poor strength and poor flexibility
  • Lack of warm ups prior to exercises
  • Common in sports: swimmers, gymnasts, tennis, baseball, contact sports, throwing
  • Occupations with overhead, repetitive shoulder movements or lifting heavy weights
  • May co-exist with other shoulder conditions: rotator cuff impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tears, SLAP lesions, shoulder instability, osteoarthritis of the shoulder and shoulder labral tears


  • Warmth
  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Pain or tenderness at the front of the shoulder over the bicipital grove that may radiate down to the elbow
  • Pain with overhead activities, pulling, lifting
  • Weakness of the shoulder
  • Snapping and clicking shoulder movements
  • Pain and an aching sensation that radiates down the arm


Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your condition based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history.


Physiotherapy should be considered as the first line of treatment to relieve your biceps tendinopathy pain and to assist with your recovery. A range of physiotherapy techniques will be used tailored to meet each individual need. These include: joint mobilisations, nerve and tendon gliding exercises, soft tissue massage, stretches and strengthening exercises, and postural retraining.

Contact us today

Get in touch with Edgewater Physiotherapy on (03) 9510 8866 or 0431083985 or book a consultation here online. With the help of our friendly and professional physiotherapists, you’ll have the support you need to feel your best through this challenging but exciting time in your life.