Physiotherapy And Rheumatoid Arthritis

Physiotherapy And Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation to many of the joints in the feet and hands. In other words, the immune system attacks the healthy tissues of the body instead of the viruses, bacteria or fighting infection.  

Risk factors: 

–      Family/ Genetic history

–      Gender: women > men

–      Hormones ie. Estrogen, testosterone, menopause

–      Smoking

–      Stress

–      Previous infection

–      Obesity

–      Age: increases with age

–      Previous joint injury 


–      Joint pain ie. Wrist, hand, fingers, toes on both sides

–      Tender, warm, redness and swollen joints

–      Morning stiffness > 30 minutes, and after rest

–      Fatigue throughout the body

–      Anaemia

–      Rheumatoid nodules

–      Dry eyes

–      Irritability

–      Flu-like symptoms ie. Fever, sweating and hot

–      Loss of appetite

–      Weight loss

–      Decrease range of movement


Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your condition based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history. Further investigations may be required such as a CT or MRI to confirm the diagnosis 


Physiotherapy treatments are safe and effective in the management of rheumatoid arthritis, and may include some of the following (depending on each individual needs): education on pain management, exercise prescription, splinting and manual therapy. Physiotherapy is important as it also focuses on assisting individuals with rheumatoid arthritis to self-manage their condition.

Speak with our qualified team

Book an appointment online with Edgewater Physiotherapy if you’re suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and require expert advice and treatment. Our friendly team is more than happy to help and always achieves amazing outcomes for patients.