Physiotherapy And Ankle Sprain

Physiotherapy And Ankle Sprain

Ankle Sprain occurs when the ligaments on the outer aspect of the ankle is overstretched beyond their limit. In severe ankle sprains, the ligaments not only rupture but there may also be avulsion fractures and broken bones present.

The most common ankle sprains are known as ‘inversion ankle sprains’ (which accounts for 85% of ankle sprains) where the sole of the foot turns inwards and the ankle rolls over on the outside.

Ligaments are band-like and elastic structures that functions to stabilise and hold the ankle joint together to prevent excess movement.


–      Stepping and/ or Rolling the ankle on uneven surfaces

–      Unbalance landing from a jump

Risk Factors:

–      High heels

–      Poor rehabilitation from previous sprained ankle

–      Poor proprioception

–      Weak muscles 


–      Popping or cracking sound

–      Ankle pain

–      Swelling, bruising around injured area

–      Difficulty weightbearing ie. Walking, standing (depending on the severity of the

ankle sprain)


Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your condition based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history. Further investigations such as an X-Ray, MRI or CT scan may be required to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.  


The chances of re-injury of another ankle sprain is as high as 40-70%, hence, rehabilitation of the ankle is essential to significantly reduce the risk of re-injury. Provided there are no ligament ruptures or fractures, main focus in the initial stage of the rehabilitation phase is to reduce both the inflammation and pain in the ankle. Once this subsides, the next stage in the rehabilitation phase is to restore the ankle movement, strength and proprioception before a progressive sport specific exercise program is prescribed.

Speak with our qualified team

Make a booking online with Edgewater Physiotherapy for expert help with your condition. We can treat all kinds of symptoms and always provide an excellent level of service. Call now on (03) 9318 3545 or 0431083985 or Book online for a consultation with our friendly and qualified physiotherapist.