Physiotherapy and Plantar Fasciitis

Physiotherapy and Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common types of heel pain, where the plantar fascia underneath the foot is inflamed.

The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue that is found underneath the heel bone, and extends from the sole of the foot to the toes. The plantar fascia functions to ensure the arch of the foot is well supported ie. to prevent over flattening of the arch and to ensure the stressors are evenly distributed within the foot. 


  • Trauma ie. landing on a sharp object that irritates the plantar fascia
  • Running sports ie. toe running
  • Poor Foot Biomechanics that overstretches the plantar fascia
  • Flat foot or weak foot arch control muscles

Risk Factors:

Pregnant women (with swelling and weight gain that relaxes the ligaments)

  • Middle aged to elderly (when the arch of the foot begins to sag)
  • Overweight/ obese
  • Certain occupations that require prolonged standing or walking on hard surfaces ie. waiters
  • Inappropriate footwear with poor support
  • Weak foot arch muscles
  • Poor foot muscle endurance
  • Poor foot, knee, ankle movement control and strength
  • Hard surfaces
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Sports-related (overuse) ie. ballet, aerobics, running


  • Swelling in the sole of the foot/heel
  • Sharp pain in the foot
  • Pain in the sole of the foot/ heel with prolonged standing, sitting to standing, foot movements and following exercise
  • Pain worse in the mornings, and improves with activities


Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your condition based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history. 


Plantar fasciitis is reversible and can be successfully treated with physiotherapy. Physiotherapy treatment includes: deep tissue massage, manual therapy, electrotherapy, exercise prescription, education and advice. The initial focus is to reduce pain and restore movement. Once this has been achieved, flexibility and strength, and biomechanical factors will be addressed and corrected. The overall goal is to return to a pre-injury state and to prevent future reinjury. 

Book a consultation online

Book a consultation with Edgewater Physiotherapy if you need treatment for plantar fasciitis or other similar conditions. Our fully qualified team is here to help and always achieve amazing outcomes for customers. Contact us today to find out more.