Physiotherapy And Adductor Tendinopathy

young man at the physio therapy

Physiotherapy And Adductor Tendinopathy

Adductor tendinopathy is a condition where there is overuse of the adductor (groin) muscle tendon that results in groin pain.

Causes of adductor tendinopathy:

  • Gradual wear and tear of the tendon secondary to ageing or overuse (from prolonged and repetitive activities that places strain on the adductor tendon)
  • Poor rehabilitation/ treatment of a previous acute adductor/ groin strain
  • Repetitive sports-related activities such as running, kicking, gymnastics, football, hockey and athletes
  • Overload of the adductor/ groin muscles from underlying lower back, hip, pelvis imbalances/ dysfunction
  • Forceful contraction of the adductor muscle when stretched eg. running with rapid acceleration (sudden change in intensity)
  • Poor training principles

Risk Factors:

  • Overweight
  • Stiffness of the joint
  • Muscle imbalance
  • Inadequate/ insufficient warm up/ cool down and/ or fitness
  • Poor footwear or/ and biomechanics
  • Poor posture
  • Tightness of neural structures
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Poor pelvic and core stability
  • Insufficient warm up
  • Change in training schedule, duration, intensity, frequency, surfaces
  • Overactivity
  • Inadequate/ poor rehabilitation following previous adductor muscle injury


  • Localised pain in the groin where pain also radiates down along the leg
  • Discomfort in the groin region during deceleration
  • Difficulty running, sprinting
  • Reduced ability to accelerate during sprinting, and loss of speed
  • Pain and weakness when squeezing the knees together against resistance
  • Tightness in the groin region
  • Pain when adductor muscle is stretched

Your physiotherapist will provide a correct diagnosis of your condition based on your clinical examination, symptom behaviour and history.

Treatment for adductor tendinopathy:
Adductor tendinopathy can be successfully treated with physiotherapy. A well-structured physiotherapy rehabilitation process is essential to prevent the risk of recurrence/ re-injury.

Physiotherapy treatment consists of the following: education/advice on activity modification and footwear, manual therapy, electrotherapy, compression bandage, strapping, exercise prescription (ie. to improve flexibility, strength, core and pelvic stability), biomechanics, and balance retraining.

Speak with our qualified team
If you would like to book a consultation with our friendly and qualified physiotherapists, contact Edgewater Physiotherapy on (03) 9510 8866 or 0431083985 or book your consultation online. You don’t need to suffer in pain any longer.