Physiotherapy Exercises for Tennis Elbow

Push up

Physiotherapy Exercises for Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow (also known as lateral epicondylitis) is a condition where the tendons that join the forearm muscles on the outside of the elbow are inflamed, and become tender and painful.

It is called ‘tennis elbow’ because your forearm muscles, which attach to the outside of your elbow, become sore from strain. 

Causes of tennis elbow:

Tennis elbow can affect your dominant arm, or your non-dominant arm. In some cases, it may affect both arms. Just some of the causes include: 

  • degeneration of the tendon fibres from muscle overuse
  • activities that can lead to overuse or repetitive use of the muscle include: painting, gardening, using a computer mouse or keyboard incorrectly, racquet sports or using a screwdriver

Symptoms include: 

  • local swelling
  • weakness in the forearm
  • pain from wrist movements, gripping, opening a door or shaking hands
  • tenderness over the lateral epicondyle
  • pain around the outside of the elbow that may radiate into the forearm and the wrist

Physio exercises include:


Step 1: Rest your forearm on the table with the palm of your hand facing the ceiling 

Step 2: Place a rolled-up towel or small ball in your hand 

Step 3: Squeeze the towel or ball and hold for 10 seconds 

Step 4: Release and repeat 5 times


Step 1: Sit upright in a chair with your elbows bent and upper arm firm against your body 

Step 2: Place a dumbbell in your hand, and slowly rotate your forearm until the palm of your hand faces the ceiling 

Step 3: Now rotate your forearm until the palm of your hand faces the floor 

Step 4: Repeat each direction 10 times


Step 1: Sit upright in a chair with your elbows bent, upper arm firm against your body and palm of your hand facing the floor 

Step 2: Place a dumbbell in your hand, and slowly bring your hand back towards you 

Step 3: Slowly return your hand to the starting position in the direction away from you 

Step 4: Repeat each direction 10 times


Step 1: Sit upright in a chair with your elbows bent, upper arm firm against your body and palm of your hand facing the ceiling 

Step 2: Place a dumbbell in your hand, and slowly bring your hand forward towards you 

Step 3: Slowly return your hand to the starting position in the direction away from you  

Step 4: Repeat each direction 10 times



Step 1: Sit upright in a chair with both of your shoulders and hands relaxed 

Step 2: Twist the towel with both hands in opposite directions 

Step 3: Repeat each direction 10 times



Step 1: Straighten your arm and slowly bring your hand back towards you as to create a ‘stop’ sign 

Step 2: Use your other hand to apply a gentle pressure across the palm of your hand and gently pull it back towards you

Step 3: Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times



Step 1: Straighten your arm and slowly push your hand down so that the palm of your hand and your fingers are pointing towards the floor 

Step 2: Use your other hand to apply a gentle pressure across the back of your hand to push it towards you 

Step 3: Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times

These low impact stretching exercises should alleviate your symptoms. However, if you are looking for more permanent relief, contact us at Edgewater Physiotherapy. Our Prahran clinic is available to attend to your tennis elbow – please book a consult with our professional physiotherapist today.